Sleep Well to Work Well. Play Well. Live Well.

Blog Post: September 27th, 2021 Emelia Johnson, Athletic Trainer, Certified (LAT/ATC) We all know we need to get sleep, but a question we often ask ourselves is “How do I get good sleep?” According to the National Sleep Foundation, there are 10 simple tips to improving your sleep so you can get on the right … Continued

Improving Home Safety

Blog Post: February 8th, 2021 Clint Lutterman, Doctor of Physical Therapy “Improving Home Safety” Everyone wants to stay in their own home as long as possible, but there are certain activities that need to be done in order for that to happen. For many people with illness, injury, or age related changes, these activities become … Continued

Physical Therapy Postpartum

Blog Post: September 13th, 2021 By Abbi Mathis, Doctor of Physical Therapy Why is physical therapy important postpartum?The musculoskeletal changes that occur during pregnancy, such as the expansion of the belly to accommodate for the baby, happen automatically. Therefore, it is commonly assumed that following birth, the body will automatically return to it’s pre-pregnancy state. … Continued